
"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs!" Psalm 100: 1-2

At Avail Academy, we are passionate about serving and worshiping the Lord in and out of the classroom. Avail’s chapel program is an extension of that service and praise to God. Avail Academy aims to develop a meaningful community worship experience that carries on beyond chapel time.

Chapel is a place of praise to the Lord that gives students the opportunity to learn what it means to worship the Lord and to develop their unique gifts for the cause of Christ. Through Avail Academy’s chapel program, students are supported in the developing of their gifts in worship planning and leadership, not as a performance, but as an expression of reverence and praise to God. It is our deep hope that chapel is a place of worship to the Lord and that each student will be sparked to use their unique gifts as an act of worship for Christ.